Opening times
Breakfast Club 7.30 - 9.00
Morning session 9.00 - 12.00
Lunch club 12.00 - 12.30
Afternoon session 12.30 - 3.30
(Term time only)
Sessions can be taken in any combination, to meet your needs.
Caterpillar Room - For our two year olds
Butterfly Room - For our three year olds
Children will be able to access both rooms in our 'free flow' time, during the session.
Owner Jo BA Hons
Manager/Early Years Teacher Zoe BA Hons
Level 3 Forest School Leader & EYTS
Deputy Manager/SENCO/ Claire Level 3
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Room Leaders Siouxsie Level 3
Carrie-Anne Level 3
Pre-school Practitioners Abbie Level 3 Nicole Level 2
Rachel Level 2
Pre-school Apprentice
All staff hold up to date DBS's and are trained in Safeguarding Children, Paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene.
Staff have undertaken training in EpiPens, infant convulsions, Cystic Fibrosis, Hyper Mobility and gastrostomy feeding tubes. We are very happy to update this training or to undertake new training as necessary.